Monday, July 20, 2015

Aunts and Uncles have all the FUN


It really means something when someone is comfortable with you caring for their child. Seriously, it is big deal, this person is trusting their little human to be in your care unsupervised. Once that cheerful smile and reassuring “absolutely I’d love to” moment has worn off, you must now find an activity to entertain the little one. The trick is to find something fun and exciting to without spending an entire inheritance on one afternoon.


In my younger days, Chuckie Cheese was the first thing that popped into my mind with my nephew. I would spend around $20 (shoutout to my plug) each time in the hopes that the nephew would exhaust himself. This worked for some time until my nephew said those fatal words, "Uncle , I’m too old for Chuckie Cheese". Entertaining your nieces and nephews is important because you always want them to have fun with you. But how do you avoid over paying just to keep the kid busy?? Below I’ve provided tested and approved ways to have a good time without over spending.


Inspire the next Basquait

I watched my nephew yesterday and took it as a challenge to ensure he had a good day. We started the day off with painting. Kids love painting and it allows them to show their creativity. Self-expression should be encouraged from an early age and embraced. There is no greater moment than watching a kid hold up what they created once they’re picked up from your house. Crafty activities are great because children enjoy them and it does not cost you an arm and leg.


 The Pool

Nothing tires a kid out like being in the sun all day. I can remember being ordered outside all day until the streetlights came on. I thought this was an attempt to keep us out of the house all day not realizing it was truly an attempt to tire us out. If you don’t own a pool call your friend with a pool. He's going to repay that favor of you helping him move in by allowing the kid to burn off energy. Hell you may even get some lunch out of your friend during this pool day!


Take a Hike

 If you’re lucky to live near a park or hiking area, take full advantage while you babysit. If you’re the aunt or uncle, it’s important to create situations that cultivate open communication. This hike allows you a chance to ask them anything and gives you a chance to drop a few gems on their young minds. You can show them what else life has to offer outside of their Gameboys and Iphones. Make the most of this time because it’s a rare moment to have their undivided attention away from all the gadgets. There are so many activities you can do at a park. You can play sports, fly kites, have a picnic, and even do more arts and crafts.


Children’s Museums

One of my favorite things to do with kids is teach them things while having fun. Most cities have museums with an emphasis on children. I love going to the science museum where they have different attractions each month with a hands on approach for all ages. The best thing about these museums is their usually FREE.


 Make cookies

 I love oatmeal cookies and I would reconsider an enemy if you tell me they too love oatmeal cookies. Yes, it is that serious to me. And what do kids love more than cookies??? So making cookies with kids is sure to be a hit. The only battle you will have with this is who gets to lick the spoon/bowl at the end. Sure you could buy cookies from the store or you can take those few extra minutes and create a special moment……




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