The holiday season is upon us folks, which happens to be my favorite time of the year! Nothing but good food, football, and family. Oh and my birthday falls at the end of the holiday period. One thing you must come to realize during the holiday is what's most important! Remember, giving is the reason for the season! Recently I was asked what I wanted for my birthday, and folks I couldn't think of one single thing! At this point in my life I have everything I ever needed or wanted. So for me to come up with a list of items to expect from loved ones would be stupid. So lets change it up this year, instead of a wish list how about you volunteer for those less fortunate. I know what you’re thinking, what does this have to do with saving money? While you're volunteering sit down and talk with some of these folks and realize just how close you are to being in the same situation. We forget how easy it is to fall on rough times. Studies show that most people are just TWO missed paychecks away from being homeless. And during a season of love and happiness that is extremely saddening. No one ever plans on being unable to provide their family dinner on thanksgiving but it happens. So instead of blowing money on holiday "reunions" at bars how about you and you friends adopt a family for the holidays. Provide them with a turkey and fixings on thanksgiving or buy the kids toys on Christmas! Nothing makes you feel better than doing charity from the heart! What you’ll realize is giving is better than receiving. And knowing that you allowed strangers to have a good holiday experience would provide you with so much joy.
As you know, anything we tell you here at theNewCheap is something we do ourselves. So theNewCheap is looking for a family to adopt for the Thanksgiving! If you know of a family in Fayetteville, NC or Baltimore, MD area please let us know by emailing us! Now please don’t suggest yourself when you've been messing up commas for 56 nights straight on IG (if you didn't get the joke ask someone under the age of 25). We’ll provide two families with a full thanksgiving dinner. The email is provided below to let us know about the family needing a little help.
(The family doesn’t have to worry about being put all over social media for receiving the gift. We believe that good deeds shouldn’t be broadcasted for social media likes, we believe in a higher power who has us covered on the recognition.)